Somatic Therapy in Calgary

Experiences live in our body as much as stories live in our mind.


Have you ever noticed that your mind says one thing, but your body seems to be telling a different story?

Have you ever been in a situation that seems perfectly safe, yet your body is flooded with anxiety, urging you to escape?

Have you ever caught the rational part of you recognizing the loving gestures from your partner, yet deep down, you still fear they don’t love you and might leave?

Our bodies carry their own narratives, and when these stories are painful or uncomfortable, somatic therapy can offer the support you need.

What is Somatic Experiencing®?

Somatic Experiencing® (SE) is a gentle, body oriented therapeutic approach designed to help individuals resolve symptoms of trauma, stress and shock. Developed by Dr. Peter A. Levine, SE is based on the understanding that trauma lives in our bodies, and energy that was mobilized during the overwhelming events can become "stuck" in the body and nervous system, leading to various physical and emotional symptoms that impact the individual’s daily life. By gently guiding clients to become aware of their bodily sensations and encouraging the release of stored energy, SE aims to restore the body's natural ability to regulate and heal itself.

Peach color lotus flower with a green stem on a beige background.

How Does Somatic Experiencing® Work?

Listening to the nervous system: In Somatic Experiencing® (SE), sensations are seen as the language of the nervous system. By tracking these sensations, we can listen to the nervous system's story and follow its natural impulse toward health. The nervous system inherently knows how to regulate and heal itself. Our role is to provide the necessary time, attention, and conditions for it to perform its job effectively.

  • SE is a gentle approach. My job is to support you and your nervous system to find the right amount of challenge to avoid overwhelming the nervous system again. In SE, we slow down.

  • In support of working with the right amount of challenge, we will likely go back and forth between working with activating images, memories, and experiences, and resourcing (accessing images, memories, and experiences that bring a greater sense of ease).

  • Through gentle tracking of sensations, you may experience the release of stuck energy related to trauma. This can occur through subtle movements and shaking, heat, or other somatic expressions. The process is often gradual and gentle, rather than intense and cathartic.

  • Interrupted fight, flight, or freeze responses associated with traumatic events are completed through discharge or completion of somatic impulses such as certain movements or expressions. Completing interrupted self-protection responses can bring a sense of closure and integration at the nervous system level, leading to reduced symptoms and improved overall well-being.

What does Somatic Experiencing® look like in therapy?

  • I will provide you with information about how the nervous system functions and how trauma can affect it. This knowledge will help you understand your experiences better and appreciate the incredible work your body is doing to support you.

  • In Somatic Experiencing® (SE), we not only listen to the stories we consciously tell but also, and more importantly, to the stories our nervous system conveys. During our sessions, I will guide you to tune into your body’s sensations, paying attention to areas of tension and discomfort as well as areas of relief and openness.

  • SE sessions often proceed at a slower pace compared to traditional talk therapies. Our nervous system tends to respond best when we slow down. Since tracking sensations is a skill many of us weren't taught, we must take our time to hear the subtle whispers of the nervous system. Less is more.

  • Every invitation I extend during our sessions is optional! You are encouraged to listen to your body and honor its needs, and this self-awareness and self-care will be celebrated in our work together.

Rocio Toledo engaging with an acting client in a counselling office, demonstrating a self-hold regulating technique.

Benefits of Somatic Experiencing®

  • Somatic Experiencing® (SE) is particularly effective for individuals who have experienced shock, developmental, or relational trauma. It helps to release the physical and emotional grip of trauma on the body.

  • By promoting a deeper connection with the body, and more access to nervous system regulation, SE helps reduce chronic stress and its associated symptoms, such as anxiety and tension.

  • Clients often report increased resilience and a greater ability to handle stressors and emotional challenges after undergoing SE therapy.

  • Although in SE we do not directly treat physical concerns, and it is important that you seek medical help for these concerns, trauma resolution achieved through somatic methods can support the relief of stress related conditions such as chronic pain and fatigue.

A white opened lotus flower and a lotus bud on green stems, on a blurry green background.

Who Can Benefit from Somatic Experiencing®?

Somatic Experiencing® (SE) can benefit anyone who has experienced trauma or is dealing with chronic stress. It is particularly useful for individuals who have not found relief through traditional talk therapies. SE is gentle and adaptable, making it suitable for a wide range of ages and conditions.

How Do I Know if Somatic Therapy Is Right for Me?

If ANY of the following statements resonate with you, Somatic Experiencing® might be a good fit:

  • I've endured traumatic or overwhelming experiences that I want to heal from.

  • I find it difficult to talk about past traumatic or overwhelming experiences.

  • I’m looking for a therapeutic approach that involves less talking.

  • I’ve tried talk-based therapies, but I still struggle with PTSD symptoms.

  • I’ve experienced trauma, but I don’t remember the details of the event.

  • I naturally notice the physical sensations that accompany emotional or life experiences.

  • I experience PTSD symptoms, but I can’t pinpoint any specific traumatic event.

  • I’m not always aware of my body and its physical sensations, and I’d like to strengthen that connection.

  • I’m open to trying a new approach to healing.

  • I trust my nervous system’s innate capacity to heal.

Final Thoughts

Somatic Experiencing® (SE) offers a unique and effective approach to healing trauma by working with the body’s natural processes. It provides a pathway to release deeply held stress and restore balance, leading to lasting physical and emotional well-being. If you are seeking a holistic method to address trauma and stress, SE may be the right choice for you.

Feel free to contact me to learn more about Somatic Experiencing and how it can support your journey to healing and resilience.

You can also check out my blog on somatic exercises to calm your nervous system HERE!

Rocio Toledo casually sitting on a sofa, holding a cup of tea, a notebook, and a pen, looking down smiling.